Thursday, July 9, 2009

Canada Day Fun

Just being really cool.
Ruby doing 'somersaults' - this is as far as she got.
Chris being the good sport he is, demonstrating for Ruby.
Destiny and I - she is three weeks ahead of me. I have awesome hair due to the breeze.
Yay for Canada Day! I admit the post is a wee late and the magic of it all might be dead but truthfully I didn't get these photos in my possession until Tuesday. Anyway, we celebrated Canada Day with a couple of our friends and their kids at Belcarra Park in Burnaby. Twas a fantastic day. Our intention was first Buntzen Lake, but the lot was full by 10:30am and it was the same story for White Pine Beach! Our third choice was Belcarra, where we swiped a picnic table, ate hot dogs and layed in the sun. Glorious!
31 Weeks | 7 3/4 months
I have recently been finding it harder to bend over and do up my shoe, put socks on, and I let out a long exasperated "UGH" whenever I drop something (which is often). I think the child has officially taken over and made residence in my entire front half, and I know it's just going to get worse. Feet in the ribs, backed in to my lungs. Head butting my bladder! Geez, kiddo.


  1. you have cute pregnancy clothes :)
    elliott and ruby have identical somersault techniques! i didn't know destiny is pregnant, how fun! your babies will be good friends!

  2. Thanks! I think the trick is to not shop in the maternity section all the time. I feel like they all look the same in some way...perhaps I shall blog on that one day.
