Tuesday, March 1, 2011


History has been made. After almost two years of emotional highs and lows, frustration, prayer and hope, our condo has been...wait...S-O-L-D. Sold! Now that red sticker on the realtor sign is for OUR (old) apartment. The same week we sold our place, we found a new one we will be moving in to. Sometimes it's hard to believe that we're finally getting out of this place. That Finn will have his own room, mom and dad will have their very own room. Heck, the computer is even getting its own room. We have stairs. A hallway. Closets to put stuff in. A dining area. A small yard. A garage. A door mat. When I look out the window I see other yards and people, not the side of a grey fence.

Needless to say, we are pumped. So pumped and eager that we had this great idea to paint the living room and kitchen of our new home. FYI, the Doucettes hate projects that take an extended amount of time and commitment. You know, like painting your house. The priming, twice...the picking a colour, the painting it...twice. AGH. For me it's the pressure of perfection - not colouring outside of the lines type of thing. That's just me. And, the possibility of having the colour look completely different on the wall than it does on the swatch. I'm also the type of person that often will start something, get tired of it or freak out because I don't know what I'm doing, and toss it. I did this once with a batch of cookies. I did it numerous times in school with projects (not recommended).

Alas, we are seeing this to the end. If you come over, the walls will be a nice shade of grey or two, not white primer. So please have three cheers for us in your day today. Photos of the finished product to come soon. Yayers! For now, a work in progress...

White white white
More white white white
Chris doing a sexy lunge.


  1. how exciting - a new place! where is it?

  2. It's in Panorama Place, by 152 and 64. A townhouse - pretty psyched!
