Thursday, January 7, 2010

B's Food Revolution: The Omelette.

For Christmas Chris got me a cookbook by Jamie Oliver called Jamie’s Food Revolution. His objective is to get people cooking ‘real food’ and to pass it on to friends and family and eventually get the whole country cooking real, healthier meals instead of popping a pizza in the oven or getting take-out. My resolution for 2010 is to cook better meals for my family and to actually have a clean house. Not just tidy, but clean. (There’s a difference) So far my quest has been successful. I have cleaned the bathroom (probably #1 on my top ten least-liked chores) and bleached the kitchen. I have made the perfect omelette (see below) and my best feat so far is making a pie crust. I successfully made a chicken pot pie FROM SCRATCH, and yes I am telling everyone I know. It’s like getting an A+ on a math test for me: I think everyone should be proud.

This book is great because they're easy recipes and they're all the basics. He's got stuff from how to cook a good roast to a number of different salads. There's a chapter on different curry dishes, one on easy soups, "homely ground beef", breakfasts...all that jazz and more. I can't wait to get in to it!

The plan is to post some of my successful and not-so-successful meals and accomplishments so you can rejoice and laugh with me. I’m okay with both. First stop: the omelette. This’method’ (if there is one for omelettes?) came out of Jamie’s cookbook. Here’s how to do it:


from Jamie’s Food Revolution

Serves one: 2-3 large eggs (I used two)| salt and pepper | a ‘pat’ of butter | a small handful of grated Cheddar cheese | fillings you want – I did ham, mushrooms, and tomatoes

Crack the eggs in to a bowl with a pinch of salt and pepper | Beat with a fork | Put a small frying pan on low heat and get it hot (I had mine around 4) | Add a pat of butter | When the butter has melted and is bubbling add your fillngs | fry for a couple minutes and add eggs and move the pan around to spread them out evenly | When the omelette begins to cook and firm up, but still has a little raw egg on top, sprinkle over the cheese (I just grated it directly on top) | Using a spatula, ease around the edges of the omelette, then fold it over in half | When it starts to turn golden brown underneath, remove the pan from the heat and slide the omelette on to a plate.

I followed these directions exactly and it turned out just as good or maybe BETTER than at Ricky’s. Or the Pantry. Or wherevs. Here’s to 2010!

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